Thursday, August 27, 2009


I was down with Fever,Flu and bodyaches. Its a deadly combo man!!
I have been sleeping like 20hours a day... sorry guys for not able to fight with u in times like this....
Still left about 2 k for Seoul and 4 more days left.

1 comment:

Samson said...

I am really concerned about your unwellness especially during this period of time where there is a high risk of the exposure to H1N1 virus. Please have enough rest to recover well for your coming Reservist In-camp training which will take another toll on your body condition.

We always strongly stressed that we have to take proper care of our health at all times and we will realise that it will be more damaging to be down when you will not be able to see the clients but to have compulsory complete rest. Need to know each of our body's different conditions well and to take necessary PREVENTIVE measures like having rest when it is deemed necessary ! We have to know our own limits and not to overstretch it unnecessarily as our battle is always a long fought one! Do not abuse yourself for being young hoh! Haha!